TapeTrack Documentation

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Setting Environmental Variables

The default behavior of TapeTrack programs can be changed by setting Environmental Variable.

These Environmental Variable can be set using the following methods.

Windows Command Line


Where VARIABLE is the Environmental Variable name, and VALUE is the Environmental Variable value.

Windows PowerShell

To set an Environmental Variable in Windows PowerShell, use the $env: command.


Where TMSSREPORTFORMAT is the Environmental Variable name, and CSV is the Environmental Variable value.

Using a Windows PowerShell variable $TMSSREPORTFORMAT = “CSV” will not be interpreted as a Windows variable and, as such, will not be applied to the executable or output.

Linux Shell

To set an Environmental Variable in the Linux operating system, use the export command.


Where VARIABLE is the Environmental Variable name, and VALUE is the Environmental Variable value.

You can also prepend the Environmental Variable to the command.


TapeTrack Config File

The TapeTrack Config File that is loaded when each Desktop and Command Line Program is initiated, it can also be used to set Environmental Variable.

   variables = {
technote/setting_environmental_variables.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/28 01:05 by scunliffe