Table of Contents


TMSS10Inventory produces an Inventory Report of all selected Volumes.

By default, this program accepts pairs of Integers as arguments, with each successive pair representing the next column within a CSV file.

The first Integer is the zero-based offset within the output file, and the second is the length of the field that is output.

Alternatively, if the first argument of the first pair contains a colon, the Integer on the left-hand side of the colon will set the relative column, and any future pair will be offset from that column. In the event that other pairs also start with a colon, this too will set the column and future columns from that column index.

In the event that the program is run with no arguments, the program will display a suggested calling syntax taking into account the maximum values calculated by processing the supplied data.


TMSS10Inventory [-A attribute index] [-M mode] [-N no relative resolve] [-R output a scan list file] [-S logon string] [-V volume filter] [-c configuration file]


If an argument value starts with the value FI:, the value for that attribute will be read from the file name specified immediately after it. For example, if a file named ACME_volumes has the content ACME_*.*, specifying FI:/etc/ACME_volumes will have the same effect as -V ACME.*.*. Using FI: to refer to a file for an attribute value works for all attributes.

If the pattern being matched starts with *LIST: then rather than matching the literal value, each record in the file specified as *LIST:filename will be tested. If one matches the match will succeed.

To include multiple Attributes in the report, add the required Attribute indexes separated by a comma (eg. -A 1,2,5).


Running TMSS10Inventory in mode 1 (default) will produce a report with the values: Sequence, Barcode, Location, Repository, Next Move, Days, Last Move, GDup (Global Duplicate), CDup (Customer Duplicate) and Container.

Running TMSS10Inventory in mode 2 will produce a report with the values: Sequence, Customer, Media, Total and Moving total.

TMSS10Inventory output can include up to twenty attributes in the one report. To include more than one attribute, include attribute indexes seperated by commas using -A in the program call. For example to add attributes 0, 1 and 3 in the report use -A “0,1,3.

If the report is output to text, CSV, PDF attribute values over 30 characters long will be truncated to 28 characters and two full stops to indicate a truncated value (eg ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 will show as ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12..). Reports output to Excel will show full attribute values irrespective of character length.

Mode 1
Report-ID: 100

Mode 2
Report-ID: 101

Technical Support

The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full-time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the Accessing Technical Support page.

Exit Statuses

  1. zero Program has ended successfully.
  2. non-zero Program has not ended successfully.



stdout: Output Reports.
stderr: Diagnostic messages.
stdin: Program input.


Customer US03 LTO inventory - Report Format 1

Command line syntax

TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server -V "US01.*.*" -M 1


             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Inventory List
    Production Time: Monday, January 24, 2022 - 11:53:11 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 164 bytes
 Seq.   Barcode              Location                       Repository                     Expiry     Next Move  Last Move           GDup CDup Container            
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- ---- ---- -------------------- 
      1 US01.CONT.CONT001    No-Alloc [0]                   Offsite Vault                  Permanent  Permanent  2021-11-18 09:12:08    2    1 Is-Container:1       
      2 US01.CONT.CONT002    No-Alloc [0]                   Offsite Vault                  Permanent  Permanent  2022-01-24 11:47:01    2    1 Is-Container:7       
      3 US01.CONT.CONT003    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      4 US01.CONT.CONT004    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      5 US01.CONT.CONT005    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      6 US01.CONT.CONT006    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      7 US01.CONT.CONT007    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      8 US01.CONT.CONT008    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
      9 US01.CONT.CONT009    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
     10 US01.CONT.CONT010    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent                         2    1 Is-Container:0       
     11 US01.LTO.000000L4    Blue1 [1.1]                    Offsite Vault [1]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     12 US01.LTO.000001L4    Blue1 [1.2]                    Offsite Vault [2]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     13 US01.LTO.000002L4    Blue1 [1.3]                    Offsite Vault [3]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     14 US01.LTO.000003L4    Blue1 [1.4]                    Offsite Vault [4]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     15 US01.LTO.000004L4    Blue1 [1.5]                    Offsite Vault [5]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     16 US01.LTO.000005L4    Blue1 [1.6]                    Offsite Vault [6]              Permanent  2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48    2    1                      
     17 US01.LTO.000006L4    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 09:29:30    2    1                      
     18 US01.LTO.000007L4    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent  2021-11-18 09:11:57    2    1 US01.CONT.CONT001    
     19 US01.LTO.000008L4    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 10:41:57    2    1                      
     20 US01.LTO.000009L4    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 10:41:57    2    1                      
     21 US01.LTO.000010L4    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                        Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 10:41:57    2    1                      
     22 US01.LTO.000011L4    Blue1 [2.1]                    Offsite Vault [11]             Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 10:48:24    2    1                      
     23 US01.LTO.000012L4    Blue1 [2.2]                    Offsite Vault [12]             Permanent  Permanent  2021-12-10 10:48:24    2    1                      
Column Heading Description
Seq Record sequence number
BarcodeVolume-ID. Default is fully qualified barcode, use TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME to list unqualified Volume-ID's
LocationVolume location: No-Alloc [0] = no Slot allocated, 1:2 [1.3] = Zone-ID 1:2, Shelf 1, Slot 3
RepositoryRepository Volume is currently located in
ExpiryExpiry of retention date
Next MoveDate of next move, Permanent = No next move
Last MoveLast date the Volume was moved
GDupGlobal wide number of the Volume-ID, 1 = one instance or no duplicates
CDupCustomer wide number of the Volume-ID, 1 = one instance or no duplicates
ContainerContainer-ID if Volume is assigned to a Container, blank = not assigned to a Container.

Customer US03 LTO inventory - Report Format 2

Command line syntax

TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server -V "US01.*.*" -M 2


             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 101
 Report Description: Volume Inventory Extract
    Production Time: Monday, January 24, 2022 - 11:56:02 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 92 bytes
 Seq.   Customer                                 Media                Total      Moving     
 ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- 
      1 New York Data Center                     Container                    10          0 
      2 New York Data Center                     LTO Cartridge               103         32 
 ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- 
2021-05-24Fixed bug when using TMSSLEVELNAME and TMSSNOLEVELSLOT variables (#127)
2020-11-24Added support for multiple Attributes
2020-11-24Added support for JSON output
2019-09-04Added Permanent literal for Expiry and Next Move Date
2019-02-25Added support for HTML output
2019-02-09Added support for Excel output
2019-01-14Added -A argument to specify Attribibute Index
2019-01-14Added Column for Attribute to Report
2019-01-07Added dynamic expiry date reolution (-e flag)
2019-01-06Added return code list to end of all command line programs that use the TapeTrack API
2017-07-01Enhanced Zone formatting so that you can now hide slot when levels are in use (variable TMSSNOLEVELSLOT)
2016-11-18Added fast forward code to reduce runtime
2016-11-18Enhanced argument parser to allow arguments in format *FI:filename that allows loading of arguments from a file
2016-09-16Fixed bug where days to move was not displaying correctly when negative
2015-12-26Added flags to Volume Filter syntax (
2015-08-24Changed hascontents to contentcount and change contentcount to a filter rather than bool
2015-08-24Added iscontainer and hascontents to the config file filter logic
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSCANFILEUNQUALIFIED which will load and check volumes without Customer-ID and Media-ID qualifiers
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSSCANFILENOPARSE which will presume scanfile items are only Volumes and not parse them, saving time
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, added CUSTOMER and MEDIA keywords to set defaults
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, changed keyword from VOLUME to BARCODE
2015-05-16Added TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME environmental variable which forces all barcodes to be printed without Customer-ID and Media-ID
2015-05-05Added Next Move Days column to report
2015-05-05Fixed bug where Next Move Date was not showing in report
2015-05-04Added support for AD passwords to all command line programs (check for environmental variable TMSSNOMD5)
2014-11-19Changed server argument parser to allow colon in password to support z/OS DD name files
2014-10-26Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013
2014-08-13Changed Expiry column heading text to Move Date
2014-08-13Added Last Move time to report