Table of Contents
[-A do not fix offsite audit failures] [-C CSV formatted output] [-D do not produce distribution list] [-E volume edit pattern] [-M include overdue on Monday] [-O force onsite repository filter] [-P do not produce picking list] [-S logon string] [-U exclude if not scanned out] [-V volume filter] [-c configuration file] [-d exclude volumes that are overdue] [-m customer mapping file] [-o destination repository filter] [-r include volumes already requested]
TMSS10IRM_Send produces a picking and distribution file in Iron Mountain format.
Do not fix offsite audit failures (default=false).-C
Output report in CSV format.-D
Do not produce distribution list (default = false).-E
Volume edit pattern (default = *).-M
Include overdue on Monday (default = false).-O
Force onsite repository filter (default = false).-P
Do not produce picking list (default = false).-S
The Logon string argument sets the Server Logon Information.-U
Exclude if not scanned out (default = false).-V
Volume Filter which can be used to filter the traversal of Customer, Media, Volume, repository and flag values.-c
The config file argument specifies the path to the Batch Configuration File. The Batch Configuration File allows you to perform advanced traversal of Customer, Media and Volumes, perform advanced barcode pre and post processing and route program output to syslogd.-d
Exclude volumes that are overdue (default = false).-m
Customer mapping file (default = null).-o
Destination repository filter (default = *).-r
Include volumes already requested (default = false).
Technical Support
The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the Accessing Technical Support page.
Exit Statuses
- zero Program has ended successfully.
- non zero Program has not ended successfully.
- 100 Empty output file.
stdout: Output Reports.
stderr: Diagnostic messages.
Create an Iron Mountain formatted picking and distribution report for customer US04, removing the L? suffix including volumes that have previously been requested.
Command line syntax
TMSS10IRM_Send -S user:-password@server -V "US04.*.*" -E "~~~~~~^^" -r
StartHeaderText~P~US04~LTO~EndHeaderText 000007 00000 000008 00000 StartfooterText~P~US04~LTO~EndFooterText StartHeaderText~D~US04~LTO~EndHeaderText 000005 00000 000006 00000 100056 00000 StartfooterText~D~US04~LTO~EndFooterText
- Changelog
- Cannot load rss feed.