TMSS10ListConsignments lists all Consignments within the time threshold range.
TMSS10ListConsignments [-C customer filter] [-M threshold minutes] [-S logon string]
Customer-ID filter.-M
Consignment threshold in minutes. -S
The Logon string argument sets the Server Logon Information.
If an argument value starts with the value FI:
, the value for that attribute will be read from the file name specified immediately after it. For example, if a file named ACME_volumes has the content ACME_*.*
, specifying FI:/etc/ACME_volumes
will have the same effect as -V ACME.*.*
. Using FI:
to refer to a file for an attribute value works for all attributes.
If the pattern being matched starts with *LIST: then rather than matching the literal value, each record in the file specified as *LIST:filename will be tested. If one matches the match will succeed.
The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff.
If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the Accessing Technical Support page.
stdout: Output Reports.
stderr: Diagnostic messages.
stdin: Program input.
TMSS10ListConsignments -S user:-password@server -C "US02" -M "240"
ZBT001N-12:15:25 TMSS10ListConsignments (c) GazillaByte 1998-2018 ZBT002N-12:15:25 Compiled Feb 23 2018 at 08:49:02 ZBT010I-12:15:25 this program will list TapeTrack Consignments ZBT006N-12:15:25 Running Under Windows 10 (build 16299 10.00) on platform x64 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Host is Little Endian ZBT000N-12:15:25 Host is ASCII ZBT000N-12:15:25 Binary is 64 bit ZBT000N-12:15:25 Current Working Directory is C:\GazillaByte ZBT004N-12:15:25 Today is Wednesday, March 21, 2018 ZBT005N-12:15:25 Running on Gazillabyte Production ZBT006N-12:15:25 Process ID 6876 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Parsing and validating command arguments ZBT001N-12:15:25 Server Interpreted as: Server(********) Port(****) User(******) Password(******) ZBT002N-12:15:25 Program Options: ZBT002N-12:15:25 (C) Customer Filter=US02 ZBT002N-12:15:25 (M) Threshhold Minutes=240 ZBT002N-12:15:25 (S) Server=<VALUE HIDDEN> ZBT000N-12:15:25 Arguments parsed and validated with 0 errors ZBT000N-12:15:25 Threshold time is 240 minutes (Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 16:15:25) ZBT000N-12:15:25 Checking for environment variable TMSSSERVERPROXY ZBT000N-12:15:25 Connection to server successful ZBT000N-12:15:25 Logging on to TapeTrack Server ZBT000N-12:15:25 Registering Client at MACID Result(Request OK) ZBT000N-12:15:25 Last Logon was at Wednesday, March 21, 2018 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Welcome to Server: Production ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Monday, November 13, 2017 - 12:57:00) UnderThreshold(190278) Description(Monday Recall) ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:45:00) UnderThreshold(158430) Description(Thursday Recall) ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:48:00) UnderThreshold(158427) Description(Friday Recall) ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:48:00) UnderThreshold(158427) Description(Friday Recall) ZBT000N-12:15:25 Closing connection to TapeTrack Server ZBT000N-12:15:25 Session Statistics: ZBT000N-12:15:25 Seconds Connected: 0 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Queries Completed: 4 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Bytes Sent: 208 ZBT000N-12:15:25 Bytes Received: 464 ZBT900N-12:15:25 Program Complete ZBT901N-12:15:25 Elapsed time 0 minutes and 0 seconds ZBT991N-12:15:25 CRC values for this session: 0x21291d8 (0x78f5e5f8) ZBT992N-12:15:25 Number of records written: 37 ZBT993N-12:15:25 Number of bytes written: 2,334 ZBT999N-12:15:25 Program ended
2021-05-24 | Fixed bug when using TMSSLEVELNAME and TMSSNOLEVELSLOT variables (#127) |
2020-11-24 | Added support for JSON output |
2019-02-25 | Added support for HTML output |
2019-02-09 | Added support for Excel output |
2019-01-06 | Added return code list to end of all command line programs that use the TapeTrack API |
2016-11-18 | Added fast forward code to reduce runtime |
2016-11-18 | Enhanced argument parser to allow arguments in format *FI:filename that allows loading of arguments from a file |
2015-12-26 | Added flags to Volume Filter syntax ( |
2015-08-24 | Changed hascontents to contentcount and change contentcount to a filter rather than bool |
2015-08-24 | Added iscontainer and hascontents to the config file filter logic |
2015-05-16 | Added environmental varialbe TMSSCANFILEUNQUALIFIED which will load and check volumes without Customer-ID and Media-ID qualifiers |
2015-05-16 | Added environmental varialbe TMSSSCANFILENOPARSE which will presume scanfile items are only Volumes and not parse them, saving time |
2015-05-16 | When loading scanfile from import definition, added CUSTOMER and MEDIA keywords to set defaults |
2015-05-16 | When loading scanfile from import definition, changed keyword from VOLUME to BARCODE |
2015-05-16 | Added TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME environmental variable which forces all barcodes to be printed without Customer-ID and Media-ID |
2015-05-04 | Added support for AD passwords to all command line programs (check for environmental variable TMSSNOMD5) |
2014-11-19 | Changed server argument parser to allow colon in password to support z/OS DD name files |
2014-10-26 | Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013 |