TapeTrack Documentation

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Confirming Volumes Manually

While it is possible to confirm volumes into the target repository using different methods, scanning in with a barcode scanner is the recommended method as it removes most possibilities of operator error from both the sending and receiving locations and operators.

Confirming volumes manually can be accomplished by, manually via TapeMaster, scanning volumes in to the Target Repository via scanner, cut and paste and input file.

If slotting is enabled for the target repository you cannot confirm a volume until it is assigned to a slot

Confirming Volumes Manually Via TapeMaster

Select a volume or range select volumes to be confirmed, right-click and select Special OperationsConfirm

Confirming Volumes Via The Scan In Window

Right click the target repository and select Scan-In to open the scan window and select preferred input method from below.

Scan in the volumes using your preferred scanner or scanning method.

master/confirm_volumes_manually.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by