TapeTrack Documentation

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Location Auto Swap

The Location Auto Swap allows you to display the zone, draw and slot number (absolute location) rather than the default slot number (relative location) for each of the slotted volumes in the inventory window.

The default settings display slot numbers for each slotted volume.

Selecting a volume and hitting the backspace key will change the display for that volume to zone, drawer and slot.

Enabling the Location Auto Swap in the main preference's Options window (FilePreferences ) and setting the Location Auto Swap Max number above the current inventory count (eg if you have 10,000 set the value higher to 20,000) will set the display to zone, draw and slot number as the default setting.

Once the Location Auto Swap Max has been enabled and saved, pressing F5 in the inventory window will update the display.

Selecting a volume and hitting the backspace key will change the display for that volume to slot number.

If the volume count exceeds the maximum set in the Location Auto Swap Max field, the display will revert to the original default setting of slot number.
master/location_swap.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by