TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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Server Information

The Server Information Window displays details of the server and the current connection.

To open the Server Information window select, from the main menu, FileServer Information.

Server Information Window

There are four different panels in the Server Information Window:

  • Server Details: The Server Information as defined by Framework Server License:
    • Owner name of TapeTrack Software
    • Description of TapeTrack Software
    • Version of TapeTrack Software currently installed.
  • Server Runtime Details:
    • Process-ID
    • Current Time
    • Start Time
    • Uptime
  • Current User Information: Displays information on the current User.
    • User-ID
    • User Name
    • User Email
  • Server Details: Displays connection information pertaining to the current session.
    • Requests
    • Bytes
      • Bytes Sent
      • Bytes Received
    • Compression
      • Sent
      • Received
master/server_information.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/25 00:48 by scunliffe