TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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Volume History Table

The Volume History Table displays in a table format. Volumes are displayed in ID order by default.

Selecting Volumes for Display

Select all volumes by right-clicking in the inventory window and select SelectAll, or using shift+click and/or control+click select the range of tapes required.

Right click the selected volumes and click ViewHistory.

Displayed data can be filtered by using the TapeTrack String Filters

History Report

Exporting Results

To export data, highlight required volumes, right-click and select Export (or press Ctrl+ E) to open Export Type Selection.

Select output format using the radio buttons, set checkbox Open file when export is complete and click OK.

Click the X in the top right of the window to close.

master/view/history.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/17 01:10 by scunliffe