TapeTrack Documentation

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Reloading The Database

You may wish to reload the TapeTrack Database for the following reasons:

  1. You have loaded a lot of randomly organized data and the database pages have become unbalanced.
  2. You have deleted a lot of data and the database contains a lot of slack space.
  3. You have lost the database log files or the database has become inconsistent with the database log files.
  4. You upgraded your Server to the latest version and the large gap between versions requires update of database architecture.
In heavily fragmented TapeTrack databases reloading may reduce their size by a factor of one third.
Large databases may take 2 to 3 hours to completely reload.
Although the reload procedure takes a copy of each file before reloading, please ensure that you take a full backup before attempting the reload. In the event of a reload failure you should rename the var/db and var/dblogs directory and restore from a backup.

Automatic Reloading Of The Database

Preferred method for reloading the database as the script not only handles the reload for you, it makes the clean-up after the reload a lot easier.

  1. Stop the Framework Server if it is running.
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db (default location C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db)
  3. Delete the folder $Save if it exists from a previous database reload.
  4. In File Explorer, navigate to TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\scripts
  5. Right click the file Reload.bat and select Run as administrator
  6. Click Yes to the popup to allow the script to run. If the script closes immediately, check to make sure the Framework Server is not running.
  7. From the command window, read through the output and click Y to continue the reload procedure.
  8. When the script finishes the command window will close
  9. Navigate to TapeTrack Framework Server\var\dblogs and delete the log file/s
  10. Start the Framework Server and login to TapeMaster to confirm the procedure completed correctly.

If your login to TapeMaster was successful, open File Explorer and navigate to TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db and delete the folder $Save.

Manual Reload Procedure

  1. Notify your users that the TapeTrack System will be unavailable.
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to the TapeTrack Framework Server/var/dblogs directory
  3. Delete all the log files in the dblogs folder
  4. Navigate to the TapeTrack Framework Server/var/db directory
  5. Delete the files _db.001, _db.002, _db.003 and _db.004
  6. Open a command prompt with Administrator privileges.
  7. Change directory to the TapeTrack Database file TapeTrack Framework Server/var/db (you can use variable TMSS10DB).
  8. Run the command TMSS10Server with the -L argument TMSS10Server -L.
  9. Check the output to ensure each of the steps ended with a zero return code.

Login to TapeMaster to make sure the database loaded correctly.

Open File Explorer and navigate to TapeTrack Framework Server/var/db, delete all (and only) files with a file type of SAVE file or DUMP file to clean up the backup files from the database reload.

If the TapeTrack Database was moved to another location after the initial install the TapeTrack database may not be in the location that is reflected in the variable TMSS10DB.
C:\>cd %TMSS10DB%

C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db>TMSS10Server -L
Reloading Database files
Testing for existence of db_dump
Berkeley DB 5.3.28: (September  9, 2013)
Testing for existence of db_load
Berkeley DB 5.3.28: (September  9, 2013)

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Reload Report
    Production Time: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 - 15:45:41 (Mountain Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 77 bytes

 Database File                                    db_dump  rename   db_load
 ------------------------------------------------ -------- -------- --------
 TMSS10.ip-connect                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.heartbeat                                 0        0        0
 TMSS10.dictionary                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.dictionary-data                           0        0        0
 TMSS10.message                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.message-response                          0        0        0
 TMSS10.message-response-user                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.journal                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.journal-date                              0        0        0
 TMSS10.client                                    0        0        0
 TMSS10.client-pool                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.options                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.emailspool                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.container                                 0        0        0
 TMSS10.barcode                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.password                                  0        0        0
 TMSS10.stock                                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.stock-id                                  0        0        0
 TMSS10.customer                                  0        0        0
 TMSS10.customer-libraryhealth-totals             0        0        0
 TMSS10.user                                      0        0        0
 TMSS10.user-email                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.group                                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.zone                                      0        0        0
 TMSS10.favorite                                  0        0        0
 TMSS10.notes                                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.attributes                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.attributetype                             0        0        0
 TMSS10.attribute-history                         0        0        0
 TMSS10.file                                      0        0        0
 TMSS10.file-data                                 0        0        0
 TMSS10.file-generation                           0        0        0
 TMSS10.dr-strategy                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.dr-strategy-item                          0        0        0
 TMSS10.catalog                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.catalog-id                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.catalog-extent                            0        0        0
 TMSS10.catalog-extent-time                       0        0        0
 TMSS10.media                                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.certificate                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.simplemanagement                          0        0        0
 TMSS10.consignment                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.datacluster                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.dataset                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.repository                                0        0        0
 TMSS10.repository-move-totals                    0        0        0
 TMSS10.media-totals                              0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume                                    0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-offsitetime                        0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-synctime                           0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-container                          0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-dup-global                         0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-dup-customer                       0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-cmserial                           0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-status                             0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-customer                           0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-media                              0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-relaxed                            0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-repository                         0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-repository-incoming                0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-repository-slot                    0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-repository-scratch                 0        0        0
 TMSS10.usage                                     0        0        0
 TMSS10.usage-drive                               0        0        0
 TMSS10.volume-container-tag                      0        0        0
 TMSS10.history                                   0        0        0
 TMSS10.history-archive                           0        0        0
 ------------------------------------------------ -------- -------- --------

C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db>
server/reload.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by