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Deleting A Customer

If you would like to remove a Customer-ID from TapeTrack but keep access to the historical data, it is possible to hide Customer-ID's from display without needing to delete anything. This allows you to view all Customer data at a later date if required for reports or audits etc.

See Hiding Customer-ID's.

If you want to delete a Customer-ID you need to remove all dependencies (Volumes, Repositories and Media Types) first.

The following instructions are based on one Customer-ID with one Media Type. If the Customer has several Media Types then the process will need to be repeated for each one.

Delete Volumes

In the Inventory window, right click and select Select > All. Right click the highlighted Volumes and select Delete to open the Volume Deletion Window.

Depending on your settings the Volumes to be deleted will be listed in the window as Deletes Allowed or Deletes Forbidden.

If listed as Deletes Forbidden, right click on the text Deletes Forbidden and select Allow

Click Delete Volumes and then Yes on the confirmation popup to delete the Volumes.

Delete Repositories

Right click on each Repository and select Delete and then Yes to the confirmation popup to remove them.

If a Repository is defined as the default Repository it cannot be deleted until this dependency is removed. To remove the default setting, right click the Media Type and select Properties to open the Options window.

Set the field Default Repository to <No Selection> and click Save to update.

Right click the Repository and select Delete.

Delete Media Type

Right click the Media Type and select Delete Media Type and click Yes to the confirmation popup.

Delete Customer

Right click on the Customer-ID and select Delete Customer and click Yes to the confirmation popup.

technote/delete_customer.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by