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Creating A PDF Report

TapeTrack has many command line utilities to create reports and output them in different formats to cater for clients needs.

This page is to guide you on how to create a PDF report, using the utility TMSS10Inventory to demonstrate the process and variables available to customize the output.

Other report formats available

  • Text
  • CSV
  • Excel
  • HTML
  • JSON

Ensure Server Utilities Are Installed

Ensure TapeTrack Server Utilities are installed on the computer you want to run the report on.

Methods to check:

Open a command prompt and run the command TMSS10Inventory, the output will show the utility options starting with TMSS10Inventory © GazillaByte 1998-2020 if Server Utilities have been installed.

If the output shows TMSS10Inventory is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. you will need to install the Server Utility package, available for download http://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Windows-x64/utils/setup.exe

Select The report Required

technote/report/windowspdf.1670799876.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 (external edit)