TapeTrack Documentation

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Setting Expiry Dates

There are several ways of assigning an expiry date to a Volume, either manually, via Syncs or using Simple Management tools.

For detailed information on setting an expiry date see Setting Expiry Dates


Setting an expiry date manually can be done in TapeMaster or Lite.

Setting Expiry Date Using TapeMaster

Open TapeMaster and select the required Media Type.

To set the expiry date of a single Volume:

  • Click in the Next Move column of the required Volume.
  • Click on the drop down arrow.
  • Select the date from the calendar popup.

To set an expiry date of multiple Volumes:

  • Select the required Volumes using Shift+Click for a sequential range or Ctrl+Click for non sequential Volumes.
  • Right click on the selected Volumes and select Special Operations > Modify > Next Move.
  • Check the Automatically move Volume on the specified date box to display the calendar.
  • Select either the Date required or the number of Days/Months/Years required
  • Click OK to set date and close the window..

Setting Expiry Date Using Lite

Setting the expiry date via Lite can be done when sending Volumes, or using Library Management.

For detailed instructions on using Lite's Send function see Lite Send Function.

For detailed instructions on using Lite's Volume Management function see Lite's Volume Management Function

Using Sync

Using Simple Management Rules

technote/set_expiry_date.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/03 02:25 by scunliffe