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The Environmental Variable TMSSCMDSTRING changes the behavior of Command Line Programs to take the value set in TMSSCMDSTRING and write that string, along with the variables to stdout.

This allows you to write commands automatically using the value TMSSCMDSTRING along with the values contained in the output from the Command Line Programs.


Using TMSS10MoveList output as an example, the standard output displays Volume-ID, Current and Target Repositories as well as move times and attributes.

             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 102
 Report Description: Moving Volumes List
       Report Notes: Customer(New York Data Center) Media Type()
    Production Time: Monday, April 20, 2020 - 12:35:59 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
       Report Width: 176 bytes

 Seq.   Barcode              Current Location               Target Location                Move Time        Time            Container            Attribute                      
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ 
      1 US01.LTO.210498L6    OFFS [28]                     Library                        2020-04-20 09:49        H2:46:48                                          
      2 US01.LTO.210701L6    OFFS [37]                     Library                        2020-04-20 09:49        H2:46:48                                          
      3 US01.LTO.210959L6    OFFS [43]                     Library                        2020-04-20 09:49        H2:46:48                                          
      4 US01.LTO.211049L6    OFFS [46]                     Library                        2020-04-20 09:49        H2:46:48                                          
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ 
 -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 

             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 103
 Report Description: Movement Directions Report
       Report Notes: Customer(New York Data Center) Media Type()
    Production Time: Monday, April 20, 2020 - 12:35:59 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
       Report Width: 54 bytes

 Current Repository   Target Repository    Total      
 -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 
 ID(OFFS)             Library                       4 
 -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 

When the Variable TMSSCMDSTRING is set before the execution of the Command Line Utilities (in this example TMSS10MoveList) it modifies the output from the standard report, to that of a custom string that can include output variables.

Setting TMSSCMDSTRING to create an ejection script for a TSM instance, listing all Volume-ID's that need to be ejected for processing and transport to the Vault.

set TMSSCMDSTRING=checkout libvol DC1_LIB0 $volume-id checklabel=yes remove=yes

When TMSS10MoveList is executed, the output will print out the assigned string, exchanging the variable $volume-id with the current Volume-ID.

The resulting output will now be:

checkout libvol DC1_LIB0 210498L6 checklabel=yes remove=yes
checkout libvol DC1_LIB0 210701L6 checklabel=yes remove=yes
checkout libvol DC1_LIB0 210959L6 checklabel=yes remove=yes
checkout libvol DC1_LIB0 211049L6 checklabel=yes remove=yes


Variables available include:

  • $customer-id
  • $media-id
  • $volume-id
variable/tmsscmdstring.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by