TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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This program produces a report of all Volumes that are in a Move Status.


TMSS10MoveList [-S logonstring] [-V volume filter] [-C current repository] [-T target repository] [-v print virtual location] [-c configfile]


TMSS10MoveList produces a report listing all tape Volumes that are in a “Move Status”, i.e. they have a different Current and Target Repository.


The options which apply to the TMSS10MoveList command are:

If an argument value starts with the value FI:, the value for that attribute will be read from the file name specified immediately after it. For example, if a file named ACME_volumes has the content ACME_*.*, specifying FI:/etc/ACME_volumes will have the same effect as -V ACME.*.*. Using FI: to refer to a file for an attribute value works for all attributes.

If the pattern being matched starts with *LIST: then rather than matching the literal value, each record in the file specified as *LIST:filename will be tested. If one matches the match will succeed.


Moving Volumes List
Report-ID: 102

Moving Directions List
Report-ID: 103

Exit Status

  1. zero Program has ended successfully.
  2. non-zero Program has not ended successfully.



  • stdout Output Reports.
  • stderr Diagnostic messages.
  • stdin Program input.


Command line syntax

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server


             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 102
 Report Description: Moving Volumes List
       Report Notes: Customer(New York Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Thursday, July 18, 2019 - 09:30:39 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
       Report Width: 190 bytes

 Seq.   Barcode              Current Location               Target Location                Move Time        Time            Container            Attribute
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------

      1 US01.LTO.300300L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-18 09:04          M25:56
      2 US01.LTO.500500L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-16 11:23     D1:22:07:38
      3 US01.LTO.600600L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-16 11:23     D1:22:07:38
      4 US01.LTO.100100L5    Library                        Offsite Vault                  2019-07-18 09:21           M9:03
      5 US01.LTO.200200L5    Library                        Offsite Vault                  2019-07-18 09:21           M9:03
      6 US01.LTO.900900L5    Library                        Offsite Vault                  2019-07-18 09:17          M12:42
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------

             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 103
 Report Description: Movement Directions Report
       Report Notes: Customer(New York Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Thursday, July 18, 2019 - 09:30:39 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
       Report Width: 54 bytes

 Current Repository   Target Repository    Total
 -------------------- -------------------- ----------
 Library              Offsite Vault                 3
 Offsite Vault        Library                       3
 -------------------- -------------------- ----------

Create a move list of all US01 LTO Scratch Volumes, with a custom report heading. Drop Movement Directions report (Report ID 103).

Command line syntax

set TMSS10REPORTS102=New York Data Center - LTO - Scratch Movement Report 
TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server -V US01.LTO.*@*+Z


             System: TapeTrack
          Report ID: 102
 Report Description: New York Data Center - LTO - Scratch Movement Report
       Report Notes: Customer(New York Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Thursday, July 18, 2019 - 09:30:39 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
       Report Width: 190 bytes

 Seq.   Barcode              Current Location               Target Location                Move Time        Time            Container            Attribute
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------

      1 US01.LTO.300300L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-18 09:04          M25:56
      2 US01.LTO.500500L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-16 11:23     D1:22:07:38
      3 US01.LTO.600600L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-07-16 11:23     D1:22:07:38
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------
2021-05-24Fixed bug when using TMSSLEVELNAME and TMSSNOLEVELSLOT variables (#127)
2020-11-24Added support for JSON output
2019-02-25Added support for HTML output
2019-02-09Added support for Excel output
2019-01-06Added return code list to end of all command line programs that use the TapeTrack API
2017-07-01Enhanced Zone formatting so that you can now hide slot when levels are in use (variable TMSSNOLEVELSLOT)
2016-11-18Added fast forward code to reduce runtime
2016-11-18Enhanced argument parser to allow arguments in format *FI:filename that allows loading of arguments from a file
2016-06-08Added -r argument to optionally set the Requested flag once a Volume is listed
2016-04-27Added Attribute column to output report
2015-12-26Added flags to Volume Filter syntax (customer.media.volume@repository+flags)
2015-08-27Fixed bug where Target and Current Repositories were transposed in report
2015-08-24Changed hascontents to contentcount and change contentcount to a filter rather than bool
2015-08-24Added iscontainer and hascontents to the config file filter logic
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSCANFILEUNQUALIFIED which will load and check volumes without Customer-ID and Media-ID qualifiers
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSSCANFILENOPARSE which will presume scanfile items are only Volumes and not parse them, saving time
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, added CUSTOMER and MEDIA keywords to set defaults
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, changed keyword from VOLUME to BARCODE
2015-05-16Added TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME environmental variable which forces all barcodes to be printed without Customer-ID and Media-ID
2015-05-04Added support for AD passwords to all command line programs (check for environmental variable TMSSNOMD5)
2015-04-21Changed headings Move From/To to From Repository/To Repository
2015-02-17Changed moving minutes to D:H:M:S format
2014-11-21Changed Physical (Non-Virtual) report option to print Repository description rather than No-Alloc when slot is zero
2014-11-21Fixed bug where from and to locations were transposed in output
2014-11-19Changed server argument parser to allow colon in password to support z/OS DD name files
2014-10-26Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013
2014-08-13Added report that lists totals for Volumes moving in each direction
cli/tmss10movelist.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/31 03:17 by scunliffe