TapeTrack Documentation

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TMSS10PasswordReset [-i ] [-h database directory] [-p new password] [-u user for reset]


Allows a user with administrative rights to reset a users password and restore user access when access has been revoked due to multiple consecutive failed login attempts.


  • -h Database home directory (default location C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db).
  • -i interactive mode true.
  • -p New password value.
  • -u User to reset.


To execute TMSS10PasswordResetDB automatically in interactive mode, run ResetPassword.bat from the TapeTrack install directory TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\script.

On execution of ResetPassword.bat you will be presented with a Command Prompt window asking you if you wish to proceed, press any key to continue or press Ctrl+C (or close window) to exit script before any changes are made.

Continuing the script will open a further Command Prompt and you will be asked to input User (User-ID) to reset the password for. Entering EXIT instead of a User-ID will exit the script without making any changes.

Enter Password value for the User and hit Enter on the keyboard. Entering EXIT instead of a Password will exit the script without making any changes.

User name and Password values shown are for illustration only. Replace with your required values.

Ensure you enter the User-ID correctly as the script will execute with any values but will not update the database if no matching User-ID is found.

If you find that the User's Password is not updating, running the command

TMSS10PasswordResetDB -i -h "%TMSS10DB%

from ResetPassword.bat manually in an Administrative Command Prompt will allow you to view any error messages from the execution of the program without the window automatically closing on completion.

Technical Support

The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the Accessing Technical Support page.

Exit Statuses

  1. zero Program has ended successfully.
  2. non-zero Program has not ended successfully.



Running TMSS10PasswordReset.bat to invoke TMSS10PasswordResetDB.

ZBT001N-11:05:41 TMSS10PasswordResetDB (c) GazillaByte 1998-2017
ZBT002N-11:05:41 Compiled Sep  3 2017 at 17:56:27
ZBT010I-11:05:41 this program will reset the password of a User
ZBT006N-11:05:41 Running Under Windows 10 (build 15063 10.00) on platform x64
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Host is Little Endian
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Host is ASCII
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Binary is 64 bit
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Current Working Directory is C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\scripts
ZBT004N-11:05:41 Today is Tuesday, September 26, 2017
ZBT005N-11:05:41 Running on Laptop_Senior
ZBT006N-11:05:41 Process ID 19500
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Parsing and validating command arguments
ZBT002N-11:05:41 Program Options:
ZBT002N-11:05:41        (h) Database Home Directory=C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db
ZBT002N-11:05:41        (i) Interactive=true
ZBT002N-11:05:41        (p) New Password=
ZBT002N-11:05:41        (u) User for reset=
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Arguments parsed and validated with 0 errors
Please enter a value for UserID (or EXIT): dcumming
Please enter a value for Password (or EXIT): newpassword
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Opening Database Environment
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Database Environment Open Status: BDB0062 Successful return: 0
ZBT000N-11:05:41 Database (Password Database) File(TMSS10.password) Open Status: BDB0062 Successful Return: 0
ZBT000N-11:05:41 ---------------------------------User Data--------------------------------------------------
ZBT000N-11:05:41          Total Failed: 0
ZBT000N-11:05:41   Total Failed (Full): 0
ZBT000N-11:05:41        Last Failed IP:
ZBT000N-11:05:41      Last Failed Time:  
ZBT000N-11:05:41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cannot load rss feed.
cli/tmss10passwordresetdb.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by