TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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Upload and Download Files


Menu option Upload and Download Files needs to be enabled via the Lite config file

File Upload Process

Select Upload And Download File from the Task Menu and click Next to continue.


This will open the Options window. If required you can change the location for the log files to be written to, or leave the default.

To change the default directory, click in the field to the right of the Log File Folder and click on the (…) button, select the required directory and click OK to save.

Setting the directory location in the Lite configuration file will skip this window and write the log file to that location.

Click Next to continue.

Customer Selection

Select the Customer or account that you want to manage tapes for by double-clicking the Customer-ID or left-clicking the Customer-ID and clicking Next at the bottom of the window to continue.

Drag selected file from Windows Explorer and drop in the main window and click Next.


This will bring up the Complete window, from here you can:

  • Click View Log File to view the log file of the last completed process..
  • Click Print Log File to save a PDF of the log file to print from your PDF viewer.
  • Click About this Software to view product and support (email, phone & website) information.
  • Click Back button to return to start menu and select another task.
  • Click Finish button or X at the top right of the window to exit TapeTrack Lite.

lite/function_upload.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/06 02:10 by scunliffe