TapeTrack Documentation

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Reports - Inventory

There are several ways to export the current status of Inventory from TapeTrack using:

Which method suits your requirement depends on the information required in the report, as well as frequency the reports are required.

TapeTrack TapeMaster and TapeTrack Lite allow dynamic creation of Inventory reports that have variable output or on demand requirements.

Inventory reports that are required on a regular basis can be created using TMSS10Inventory that can then be saved to file, emailed and/or uploaded to the TapeTrack Server allowing clients to download (TapeMaster, TapeTrack Lite or TMSS10DownloadFile) without the need to create the reports themselves.

Desktop Programs Inventory Reports

TapeMaster Inventory Reports

TapeTrack TapeMaster allows you to export to report one Customer's Media Type at a time via the Inventory window or all Customers and Media Types using the Volume Global View function.

Using the Volume Global View function has an added advantage of being able to dynamically filter the data using Customer-ID, Media-ID, Volume-ID, Location, Flags, Move Dates, last User interaction and last Program Interaction before exporting results to a report.


TapeMaster Inventory Window Report

To export report from the TapeMaster Inventory window, select the required Volumes, press Ctrl+E, or right-click and select Export. Select the required report format from the popup window and click OK.

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Volume List
       Report Notes: Nashville Data Center / LTO Cartridge
    Production Time: Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 09:45:40 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 119 bytes

ID         Current Location Target Location Flags   Move Time    Due in      Container  Next Move Description          
---------- ---------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- -------------------- 
000001L3   Offsite Vault                    ChnNO                Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Monthly April        
000001L5   L5 GemTrac                       CnN                  Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Friday Backup        
000001L6   Offsite Vault                    CnO                  Unspecified Unassigned Permanent                      
000002L5   Offsite Vault    Library         CMnN    D33:19:51:59 Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Weekly               
000003L5   Scratch Volumes                  CnNZ                 Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Weekly               
---------- ---------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- -------------------- 

TapeMaster Volume Global View Report

To export reports from the Volume Global View, from the Main Menu select ToolsVolume Global View. From the popup, if required, enter any filters (including extended Attribute) to narrow down the displayed results and click OK.

Select the required Volumes and press Ctrl+E, or right-click and select Export. Select the required report format (Text, HTML, PDF (Portrait or Landscape) or CSV) from the popup window and click OK.

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Export
    Production Time: Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 10:10:36 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 222 bytes

Volume     Description          ID   Customer              ID   Media         ID   Repository      Flags   Next Move Last Move              Expiry    Last Write Last Update - Time  Last Update - User Last Update - Program 
---------- -------------------- ---- --------------------- ---- ------------- ---- --------------- ------- --------- ---------------------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------ --------------------- 
000001L5   Friday Backup        US04 Nashville Data Center LTO  LTO Cartridge TEMP L5 GemTrac      CnN     Permanent 2019-02-06 (-36 days)  Permanent Never      2019-02-06 11:20:26 doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  
000001L6                        US04 Nashville Data Center LTO  LTO Cartridge OFFS Offsite Vault   CnO     Permanent 2019-02-06 (-36 days)  Permanent Never      2019-02-06 11:20:26 doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  
000002L5   Weekly               US04 Nashville Data Center LTO  LTO Cartridge LIBR Library         CMnN    Permanent 2019-02-08 (-34 days)  Permanent Never      2019-02-08 13:53:41 doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  
000003L5   Weekly               US04 Nashville Data Center LTO  LTO Cartridge SCRA Scratch Volumes CnNZ    Permanent 2019-02-06 (-36 days)  Permanent Never      2019-02-06 11:19:44 doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  
000004L5   Friday Backup        US04 Nashville Data Center LTO  LTO Cartridge LIBR Library         CnN     Permanent 2018-08-14 (-212 days) Permanent Never      2018-08-14 12:18:37 doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  
---------- -------------------- ---- --------------------- ---- ------------- ---- --------------- ------- --------- ---------------------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------ --------------------- 

Lite Inventory Reports

TapeTrack Lite's Volume Management function displays Volumes from the selected Customer's Media type.

Required Volumes can be selected by range clicking (Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click) or select all Volumes by right-clicking and SelectAll.

Once the Volumes are selected, right-click and select Export (or Ctrl+E) to export Inventory to chosen file format.

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Export
    Production Time: Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 09:45:40 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 55 bytes

Volume-ID Location      Description          Next move 
--------- ------------- -------------------- --------- 
000001L3   Offsite Vault                     Permanent       
000001L5   GemTrac                           Permanent        
000001L6   Offsite Vault                     Permanent                      
000002L5   Offsite Vault                     Permanent                
000003L5   Scratch Volumes                   Permanent 
--------- ------------- -------------------- --------- 

Command Line Inventory Reports

TMSS10Inventory produces an Inventory Report of all selected Volumes.

The Inventory report can be output in two modes:

  • Mode 1 (default) will produce a report with the values: Sequence, Barcode, Location, Repository, Next Move, Days, Last Move, GDup (Global Duplicate), CDup (Customer Duplicate) and Container.
  • Mode 2 will produce a report with the values: Sequence, Customer, Media, Total and Moving total.

Reports can be output in the file formats text, HTML, JSON, PDF (Portrait or Landscape) and CSV.


TMSS10Inventory Mode 1

Command Line Input - Text File

TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server > report.txt

Text File Output

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Inventory List
       Report Notes: Customer(Nashville Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 - 11:38:28 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 195 bytes

 Seq.   Barcode              Location                       Repository                     Expiry     Next Move  Last Move           GDup CDup Container            Attribute                      
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- ---- ---- -------------------- ------------------------------ 
      1 US04.LTO.000001L3    No-Alloc [0]                   Offsite Vault                                        2018-08-15 10:53:59    1    1                      Monthly April                  
      2 US04.LTO.000001L5    No-Alloc [0]                   L5 GemTrac                                           2019-02-06 11:20:17    5    1                      Friday Backup                  
      3 US04.LTO.000001L6    No-Alloc [0]                   Offsite Vault                                        2019-02-06 11:19:21    1    1                                                     
      4 US04.LTO.000002L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Offsite Vault                                        2019-02-06 11:19:21    5    1                      Weekly                         
      5 US04.LTO.000003L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Scratch Volumes                                      2019-02-06 11:19:40    5    1                      Weekly                         
      6 US04.LTO.000004L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                                              2018-08-14 12:18:33    5    1                      Friday Backup                  
      7 US04.LTO.000004L6    No-Alloc [0]                   Scratch Volumes                                      2019-02-06 11:19:40    2    1                      Weekly                         
      8 US04.LTO.000005L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                                              2018-08-14 12:18:33    5    1                      Friday Backup                  
      9 US04.LTO.000005L6    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                                              2018-08-10 09:35:26    2    1                      Monthly January                
     10 US04.LTO.000006L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Scratch Volumes                                      2019-02-06 11:19:40    5    1                      Friday Backup                  
     11 US04.LTO.000006L6    No-Alloc [0]                   Library                                              2018-08-10 09:35:26    2    1                      Weekly                         
     12 US04.LTO.000007L5    No-Alloc [0]                   Scratch Volumes                                      2019-02-06 11:19:40    5    1                      Friday Backup                  
------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- ---- ---- -------------------- ------------------------------ 

Alternative Output Formats TMSS10Inventory Mode 1 Examples:
TMSS10Inventory Mode 1 PDF File Output
TMSS10Inventory Mode 1 Excel File Output
TMSS10Inventory Mode 1 HTML File Output

TMSS10Inventory Mode 2

Command Line Input - Text File

TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server -M 2 

Text File Output

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Volume Inventory Extract
    Production Time: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 - 12:03:25 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 92 bytes

 Seq.   Customer                                 Media                Total      Moving     
 ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- 
      1 Nashville Data Center                    LTO Cartridge                29          4 

Alternative Output Formats TMSS10Inventory Mode 1 Examples:
TMSS10Inventory Mode 2 PDF File Output
TMSS10Inventory Mode 2 Excel File Output
TMSS10Inventory Mode 2 HTML File Output

technote/report/inventory.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/25 01:06 by scunliffe