TapeTrack Documentation

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Repository Reports

There are several ways to export the current status of Inventory based on Repository data from TapeTrack using:

Which method suits your requirement depends on the information required in the report, as well as frequency the reports are required.

TapeMaster and Lite allows dynamic creation of Repository reports that have variable output or on demand requirements.

Repository reports that are required on a regular basis can be created using TMSS10ListRepositories that can then be saved to file, emailed and/or uploaded to the TapeTrack Server allowing clients to download (TapeMaster, Lite or TMSS10DownloadFile) without the need to create the reports themselves.

Desktop Programs Repository Reports

TapeMaster Repository Reports

TapeMaster allows you to export to report one Customers Media Type at a time via the Inventory window or all Customers and Media Types using the Volume Global View function.

Using the Volume Global View function has an added advantage of being able to dynamically filter the data using Customer-ID, Media-ID, Volume-ID, Location, Flags, Move Dates, Last User Interaction and last Program Interaction before exporting results to a report.


TapeMaster Repository Report

To export report from the TapeMaster Inventory window, filter the displayed Volumes by filtering the Current and/or Target Repository, Select the required volumes, right-click highlighted volumes and press Ctrl+E, or right-click and select Export. Select the required report format (Text, HTML, PDF (Portrait or Landscape) or CSV) from the popup window and click OK.

Sample export file:

            System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Volume List
       Report Notes: Los Angeles Data Center - LTO Cartridge
    Production Time: Monday, October 04, 2021 - 12:11:40 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 110 bytes

ID       Current Location Target Location Flags Move Time    Due in      Container  Next Move Description     
-------- ---------------- --------------- ----- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- --------------- 
000004L6 Library          Offsite Vault   CMnN  D45:00:20:10 Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Friday Backup   
000005L6 Library          Offsite Vault   CMnN  M13:26       Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Friday Backup   
000006L6 Library          Offsite Vault   CMnN  M13:26       Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Monthly January 
000009L6 Library          Offsite Vault   CMnN  M3:12        Unspecified Unassigned Permanent Friday Backup   
-------- ---------------- --------------- ----- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- --------------- 

TapeMaster Volume Global View Repository Report

To export reports from the Volume Global View, from the TapeMaster Main Menu select ToolsVolume Global View. From the popup, if required, enter any filters (including extended Attribute) to narrow down the displayed results and click OK.

Filter the displayed Volumes using the Current and/or Target Repository columns.

Select the required Volumes and press Ctrl+E, or right-click and select Export. Select the required report format (Text, HTML, PDF (Portrait or Landscape) or CSV) from the popup window and click OK.

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Export
    Production Time: Monday, October 04, 2021 - 12:25:52 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 258 bytes

Volume   Description     ID   Customer                ID  Media         ID   Repository    Flags Last Update (User) Last Update (Program) Next Move Date Expiry Date              Last Move Time      Last Write Time     Last Read Time      Last Update Time    
-------- --------------- ---- ----------------------- --- ------------- ---- ------------- ----- ------------------ --------------------- -------------- ------------------------ ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- 
000004L6 Friday Backup   US02 Los Angeles Data Center LTO LTO Cartridge OFFS Offsite Vault CMnN  doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  Permanent      1970-01-01 (-18904 days) 2021-08-20 11:51:30 2021-08-09 13:50:28 Never               2021-10-04 11:58:34 
000005L6 Friday Backup   US02 Los Angeles Data Center LTO LTO Cartridge OFFS Offsite Vault CMnN  doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  Permanent      1970-01-01 (-18904 days) 2021-10-04 11:58:14 2021-07-01 13:50:38 2021-08-20 13:50:37 2021-10-04 11:58:34 
000006L6 Monthly January US02 Los Angeles Data Center LTO LTO Cartridge OFFS Offsite Vault CMnN  doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  Permanent      1970-01-01 (-18904 days) 2021-10-04 11:58:14 2021-07-01 13:50:51 Never               2021-10-04 11:58:34 
000009L6 Friday Backup   US02 Los Angeles Data Center LTO LTO Cartridge OFFS Offsite Vault CMnN  doco               TapeTrack TapeMaster  Permanent      1970-01-01 (-18904 days) 2021-10-04 12:08:28 2021-08-16 13:51:43 Never               2021-10-04 12:08:28 
-------- --------------- ---- ----------------------- --- ------------- ---- ------------- ----- ------------------ --------------------- -------------- ------------------------ ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- 

Command Line Repository Reports

TMSS10ListRepositories creates a report listing the current status of each Repository including capacity, usage, incoming Volumes, outgoing Volumes and assigned Slots.

Batch File Or Command Line Input TMSS10ListRepositories

TMSS10ListRepositories -S user:-password@server > report.txt

Text File Output

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Repository Listing
    Production Time: Monday, October 04, 2021 - 12:28:25 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 124 bytes

 ID   Description          ID   Description          ID   Description          Capacity Usage    Incoming Outgoing Assigned
 ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
 US02 Los Angeles Data Cen LTO  LTO Cartridge        LIBR Library                     0      232        0        4        0
 US02 Los Angeles Data Cen LTO  LTO Cartridge        OFFS Offsite Vault               0       10        4        1        0
 US02 Los Angeles Data Cen LTO  LTO Cartridge        RACK GemTrac                     0        2        1        0        0
 ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
                                                          Totals                      0      244        5        5        0
 ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- ---- -------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

To limit the report to one Customer-ID, Media-ID, Repository-ID or a combination of these values use the Volume filter (-V).

Only show results from Customer-ID US04

TMSS10ListRepositories -S user:-password@server -V "US04.*.*" > report.txt

Only show results for Repository OFFS.

TMSS10ListRepositories -S user:-password@server -V "*.*.*@OFFS" > report.txt

Only show results from Customer-ID US04, Media-ID LTO and Repository OFFS

TMSS10ListRepositories -S user:-password@server -V "US04.LTO.*@OFFS" > report.txt

TMSS10MoveList creates a report listing Volumes that are currently moving into or out of displayed Repositories and a total of moving Volumes for each Repository.

Batch File Or Command Line Input TMSS10MoveList

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server > report.txt

Text File Output

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Moving Volumes List
       Report Notes: Customer(Nashville Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 11:22:23 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 190 bytes

 Seq.   Barcode              Current Location               Target Location                Move Time        Time            Container            Attribute
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------
      1 US04.LTO.000001L3    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-03-14 11:15           M6:44                      Monthly April
      2 US04.LTO.000001L5    Offsite Vault                  Library                        2019-03-14 11:15           M6:45                      Friday Backup
      3 US04.LTO.000001L6    Library                        Offsite Vault                  2019-03-14 11:15           M6:34
      4 US04.LTO.000002L5    Library                        Offsite Vault                  2019-03-14 11:15           M6:34                      Weekly
 ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Movement Directions Report
       Report Notes: Customer(Nashville Data Center) Media Type(LTO Cartridge)
    Production Time: Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 11:22:24 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 54 bytes

 Current Repository   Target Repository    Total
 -------------------- -------------------- ----------
 Library              Offsite Vault                 2
 Offsite Vault        Library                       2

To limit report to only Volumes moving to the Repository OFFS

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server -T "OFFS" > report.txt

To limit report to only Volumes moving from the Repository OFFS

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server -C "OFFS" > report.txt

To limit report to only Volumes moving from the Repository OFFS to Repository “SCRA”

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server -C "OFFS" -T "SCRA" > report.txt

To limit report to only Volumes moving from the Repository OFFS to Repository “SCRA” for Customer-ID US04 and Media-ID LTO

TMSS10MoveList -S user:-password@server -C "OFFS" -T "SCRA" -V "US04.LTO.*" > report.txt
technote/report/listrepositories.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/04 02:41 by scunliffe