TapeTrack Documentation

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Barcode Printer

Printing Methods

The appropriate method for printing Barcodes from TapeTrack depends on the type of Barcode required - Fully Qualified, Unqualified, Zone-ID or Slot-ID.

Printing Fully Qualified Barcode labels

Printing Unqualified Barcode labels

Printing Zone Barcode Labels

Printing Slot Barcode Labels

Barcode Printer Menus

  • File
    • New: Clears any current Barcodes.
    • Open: Opens file dialog to open Barcode text file.
    • Save: Saves current Barcodes to text file.
    • Save As: Saves current Barcodes to text file.
    • Print: Opens printer dialog to print Barcodes.
    • Print Preview: Opens print preview window to view Barcode layout.
    • Print Setup: Opens your default printer properties window.
    • Send: Opens default email client with Barcode text file attached.
    • Exit: Closes the Barcode Printer.
  • Tools
    • Scan To Add:
  • Edit
    • Copy
    • Paste: Paste Barcodes from Windows Clipboard.
  • View
    • Status Bar: Displays or hides Status bar at bottom of barcode Printer.
  • Help
    • About TapeTrack Barcode Printer: Displays Barcode Printer compile date and support information.

Right Click Menu

  • Delete: Deletes selected Barcodes from the Barcode Printer.
  • Edit
    • Copy: Copies current Barcodes (Barcodes and Text columns) to Windows Clipboard.
    • Paste: Pastes Windows Clipboard values into the Barcode Printer.
  • Across: Number of Barcodes to print across the page.
  • Down: The number of Barcodes to print down the page.
  • Margins: Margins to be placed around the Barcodes
    • Left: Left margin padding
    • Right: Right margin padding
    • Top: Top margin padding
    • Bottom: Bottom margin padding
  • Appearance:
    • Separator Box: Adds a grey border around each Barcode to aid in separating individual Barcodes when manually cutting them out.
    • Preview Margins: Adds a preview of print boundaries to aid in confirming Barcode will print within a specified area.
    • QR Code: Adds a QR code to the Barcode label.
    • Include Human Readable: Adds text representation of Barcode to make it readable by Humans.
    • Font: Sets font for Human Readable content, does not alter scannable Barcode.
common/barcode_printer.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/22 15:12 by