TapeTrack Documentation

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A Container represents one physical object that is to be tracked and can contain other assigned Volumes.

Common Container include:

  • Box
  • Transport Container (eg. Turtle Case)


A Container-ID is a String of characters associated with a Container.

The Container-ID will be reflected in the Container Barcode, which may be a Fully Qualified Barcode, or an Unqualified Barcode.

A Container-ID is a Volume-ID and is synonymous with the terms Volume Serial and Volsers.


Object Rules

  1. The Volume-ID must be unique within a Customer/Media Type scope.
  2. The Volume-ID must be between 1 and 10 characters long.
  3. Must only contain Alpha [A-Z] and Numeric characters [0-9] but can contain a dash as long as the dash is not the first character.
  4. Can not contain a space or any special character other than a dash.
  5. Must only use upper case characters.
  6. Must comply with the Volume-ID filter specified in the Media Type object.
  7. Must not exceed the Media Type Volume count cap.
  8. Must not exceed the Server Volume Count Cap.
  9. Must be unique within a Server Scope if the the server option is set.
  10. Must be unique within a Customer Scope if the Customer option is set.



Technical Notes

object/container.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by